Makeup Brush in Space Animation IN BLENDER 3d

Final video

🌌 Makeup Brush in Space! Zero-Gravity Beauty Animation 🚀✨ IN BLENDER 3d

What do you think about the animation? Have you ever tried creating something similar in Blender?
Stay tuned! Follow for more!



!!!!!OPEN FOR WORK!!!!!

3D Drone showcase animation made using Blender

Final video

3D Drone showcase animation made using Blender

CodeAIr – Firia Labs Client Animation on Fiver.

What do you think about the animation? Have you ever tried creating something similar in Blender?
Stay tuned! Follow for more!




!!!!!OPEN FOR WORK!!!!!

Clergy Advantage – 3D Infographic for Presentation

Final video

3D Infographic for Presentation/Meeting.

Cyntia from Clergy Advantage want a 3D animation video that will breakdown the company’s funnel of getting client, that also are eye catching and easy to understand

My Work Process:
First I gather inspiration and create mood board. Then I create a story animatic or Previsualization, after that I try blocking scene and Make some clay render to find out errors, then render in low quality to fix furthers issues. After all errors are fixed/changed then I render them at max quality.

Software Used

After effects for post processing,
Premiere pro for video editing.

Blender for rest of the work.

Still Images


Masum was super responsive. He took a rough concept in my mind and helped me flesh out a project better than I imagined. He exceeded my expectations and met or beat the timeline and deadlines. Very highly recommend!

3D Can/Soda/Beverage Commercial Ad

Final video

3D Can/Soda/Beverage Commercial Ad Product Visualization

‘Blender Juice’ An imaginary soda/beverage company

3D Advertisement Product Visualization for Juice Company. I make couple of rolling can, made them do stuff, add some sarcasm/funny stuff & add demon hand in the end to indicate it is irresistible by demon also.
My Work Process:
First I gather inspiration and create mood board. Then I create a story animatic or Previsualization, after that I try blocking scene and Make some clay render to find out errors, then render in low quality to fix furthers issues. After all errors are fixed/changed then I render them at max quality.

Software Used

After effects for post processing,
Premiere pro for video editing.

Blender for rest of the work.



Clay Renders

Final Shots

Extra Projects

Graphic Design Goldmine: Essential Resources

Graphic Design Resources
Given in category form for ease of searching

1. Color: 🎨 – On this website you will find many types of color palettes and you can do many other things with filters with different tags.
@mr.pugo – Have you ever taken 2 out of 4 colors from a website but the design didn’t go with it? This profile can solve it. There are many different 2 color combination color palettes here. – Brings you the perfect color palette through A.I based on the colors you have previously selected. – Color gradients come to this website.
The color system – Here comes articles on color theory and more – Random colors and gradients – Natural Color Collection. – Various colors and their names. – Popular Brand Names. – Collection of gradients. – comes with color generator and many color tools. – UI Color Collection. – Create color palettes with mouse. – Egg Gradient Color. – Complete color palette using only 2 colors. – For creating colorful and cheerful websites.

2. Photo: 📸 – A fantastic website for stock photography. The website claims to have over 207,000 images. All photographers can download images for free that you can use for any project. – Another great site for free stock photography & video. – For those looking for old pictures. – website’s landing page for the picture. – Comes with cutouts of various objects or people to create small designs. – It have photo also inbuilt canvas editor – Collection of awesome 4K wallpapers – Free Stock Photography – Free Stock Photography – High Resolution Free Stock – Free CC0 photos and videos. – Free Background Images

3. Font: ⌨️ – For free font downloads.

Google Font – Google’s website for free font downloads. – For free font downloads. – For Google Font Pairing. – Get new free fonts. – You can easily make your handwriting into a font through this website. – Free Bangla Fonts – Free & Premium Bangla Fonts – Are you tired of downloading icons from flaticon or other icon sites? On this website, you can use icons through fonts. Details on their website. – Helps you choose fonts for your designs. – Tired of searching for fonts? So many fonts that it is impossible to find a good font. This software will keep your fonts aligned so that you can use the right font when needed.

Myfonts – to find fonts from images. – Presents your text in different fonts. – Experiment with different fonts and choose the desired combination. – For web developers and w/ux designers. – Font combination of Typekit and H&FJ – Create your own fonts with their web-based tools. – Convert fonts to your preferred format. – Convert your handwriting into fonts with this website. – Fonts categorized by emotion; But the fonts are small. – Create your own fonts with their web-based tools and sliders. – Get inspiration from this typography website. – This extension will tell you what fonts are used on any website. – If you see an image whose font you don’t know, even if you don’t know the name of the font, you can post it on this forum. If luck is good, you can get the name. – Find out what fonts are used in famous logos.

4. Free mockup: 📙 – Mocaps available for almost all print & web templates. – Mocap will be created if you drop the mobile UI image here. – Make a mockup of PC with Screenshot on this website. – Drop on JPG/PNG mockups to create your mockups. – Currently has 565 free mockups. – Free PSD mockups. – Various design resources and mockups. – Outstanding free mockups. – Use mockups online without Photoshop. – Create mockups through screenshots. – Popular mockup website.

After all this discussion we know it is too easy to get work; even you don't need to try. Can you imagine, if it was difficult to work in this sector then the situation would have worsened.

The Truth About Freelancing: Busting Common Misconceptions

What is Freelancing? Common misconceptions

Freelancing means free lunch 😂😂😅😅
Freelancing, freelancer refers to a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed long-term to a particular employer. In other words, to become a freelancer, you have to work online, not according to the above definition, but in different countries including Bangladesh, freelancer means a person who works online.
What exactly is freelancing? Is it free money? Or something that anyone can easily do? Let’s start with a fact:
If you go to a doctor for checkup but found out that his certificate was fake or went to a mechanic and found out that he doesn’t know how to work, now how much will you trust him to treat or give work? If I were you, I would stay ten miles away.

This time you apply the same logic to the freelancing sector; The rules of the online world are real, It is not mars or different planet where the money will double in 25 days or some crap.

Any client wants to hire the most skilled person for his project. So which one does he choose? 6 months apprentice or many years experienced worker?

Here you can say that, many people get work in 6-10 months, how do they get it? Don’t get me wrong, I can work hard and land a gig in 5-6 month or but you can’t earn 1 lac Taka or 1000 Dollar per month in such short time as many TV channels and training centers are promoting.

This is called False Advertising. Headlines such as “Women millionaire with baby in hand with laptop and internet connection” are often seen. How true is this news? You can get the real deal by asking any experienced freelancer.
These days there are some training centers that teach freelancing courses but can’t do it themselves. There are also some people who join these courses who are not taught any work and if they are taught anything, they are not freelancing by any means.
All these organizations give them a referral system, where they admit others and get money, hey they say this is freelancing, Happy Freelancing. Hey brother, open your eyes, they can’t see how they are deceiving you and your acquaintances.


Finally, some people will say that working in this sector is very easy, Ah yes!!! it is so easy that millions of people come every year but few survive.

After all this discussion we know it is too easy to get work; even you don't need to try. Can you imagine, if it was difficult to work in this sector then the situation would have worsened.

Cracking the Code: Unravel the Complexity Behind 3D Animation

What makes 𝟑𝐃 animation more difficult?

In 3D animation, many of the technical factors to consider do not apply to 2D animation. First and foremost, when you create a scene, you need to create all of your characters separately from any background or environment. For example, for walking you need a file for each limb: arms, legs, torso, and head.

Additionally, these elements are combined into what are called rigs, which give the character various gestures and movements. From here, it’s all about creating your characters with intricate details that bring them to life, which is where technical know-how like rigging and animation come into play.

What is Blender software and why should you start using it?

Blender is a 3D software that has been around since 2002, and since then, it has grown in popularity, so much so that it has become one of the most popular 3D modeling programs today.
It has millions of users around the world – including indie filmmakers, game developers, industrial designers, architects and many other fields where 3D modeling is essential.

Here’s everything you need to know about Blender 3D software and why you should start using it Open source and free.

1. Open source and free :

Blender 3D is an open-source and free, cross-platform software that has been around since 2002. The program offers advanced features typically found in more expensive applications such as Maya or Autodesk. Nevertheless, Blender can run on almost any computer due to its advanced architecture.

2. Complicated Interface :

The Blender interface takes some getting used to. Its user interface is different from other programs, even Maya and Autodesk. However, everything from modeling to animation becomes much easier once you know how to use it. The most notable advantage of Blender’s UI is its visual nature: when working with your 3D model, only the tabs needed for a specific action will be shown. It navigates around your scene faster than other programs, where each option has to be accessed through multiple menus.

3. Hundreds of tutorial :

Blender has hundreds of online tutorials. Not only are these tutorials free, but you can learn how to use Blender by watching these tutorials. The funny thing is, most tutorials can be completed in just a few minutes or hours.

4. Both 3d animation and 2d animation :

Blender is suitable for both 3d animation and 2d animation. You can use Blender to create movies, games, 3d graphics, architectural visualization, scientific visualization, product visualization, etc. There are tons of free tutorials on YouTube that will help you learn how to use Blender in no time. Blender flame is a bit difficult at first, but once you get used to it, you can easily make a lot of things.

5. Beneficial communities/groups :

One of my favorite things about open source projects like Blender is that they offer a helpful community/group that anyone can join. If there’s something you don’t understand, chances are there are other people just like you who want to know about it, so asking your questions in these communities/groups can get answers. Also, watch tutorials or live streams from people with more experience than you; You may find some valuable information!

6. PracticePractice and Practice :

The best way to get used to any new hardware or software is to practice. Don’t just read how to use tools like blenders; Instead, learn by doing. After all, practice makes perfect and eventually you will succeed with the effort you put in.


Allah Hafiz. (May God be your Guardian)

Aiwibi Baby Care

Final video

Aiwibi use in their video


Still Images + Closeup Shot


Rendered Wireframe
Rendered Wireframe


Highly recommend! Masum Shahariar displays remarkable patience and made numerous revisions based on our requirements. Appreciate him for his outstanding work, will be definitely cooperate with him in the future!